This is a looking back at some of the most important, timely or unusual issues covered by Guangzhou Nansha News’ reporters last year, which is a big year for the district.
“Oriental Dragon”, China’s most advanced ST-246 saturated diving operation support ship, was recently delivered to Guangzhou’s Nansha district.
The starting gun has been fired on the world’s largest annual human migration - the Spring Festival travel rush. Guangzhou’s Nansha district held a conference on Jan 8 to mobilize its safe transport plans.
A “youth palace” in Guangzhou’s Nansha district is expected to welcome its first group of visitors this month after an acceptance inspection.
Guangzhou municipal government recently released a tender announcement for the extension project of Nansha Free Trade Zone (FTZ).
The Silk Road Intangible Heritage Fashion Show kicked off on Dec 28 in Guangzhou’s Nansha district, combining a special beauty with ancient culture and the spirit of fashion.
Guangzhou’s Nansha district held a conference on cultural and creative industrial development of intangible cultural heritage over Dec 27 to 29 to promote its local cultural charm in new fashionable ways.
Guangzhou’s Nansha district recently released a tender announcement for the second-stage of its underground space project in the Pearl Bay Area, which is aimed at creating an area of urban infrastructure which lies both over and underground.