Portrait of rural revitalization – Lianqun village

chinadaily.com.cn Updated:  2021-11-10


Located in the north of Liangkou town of Conghua district in Guangzhou, capital of South China's Guangdong province, Lianqun village has yielded fruits of rural revitalization with concerted efforts by the government and the people.

Red bayberries bring prosperity

Located beside the Huanglongdai reservoir, Lianqun village enjoys an excellent natural environment with red bayberry trees spreading across the land. Encouraged by the government, almost every household in the village plants red bayberries. The annual output in the village is around 250,000 kilograms.


In the harvest season which starts in May every year, many visitors drive here for a bayberry pick-up and to enjoy the natural beauty of the reservoir. Red bayberries have become the fruit of prosperity for local people. 

Living environment improved


A series of projects were launched to improve the village's living environment, including toilet renovation, domestic sewage treatment and garbage sorting. In order to establish a long-term management mechanism for sustainable environmental improvement, villagers were encouraged to participate in the monitoring work, and promotion materials were distributed, among other measures. Now the clean and beautiful look of the village makes the villagers feel happy and proud. 

A civilized community formed

The village uses grid management to make sure government services are available to all people. A team of retired government cadres and Party members was established to mediate potential conflicts and solve problems at the grassroots level.  A diversified co-governance coordination mechanism was also established. A team made up of school students publicize knowledge on public safety to parents. A team of housewives is responsible for promoting scientific and healthy cultural and recreational knowledge in the community. 

New development opportunity seized


Given the architectural feature of the village houses, which are mostly stone structures that are well preserved, Lianqun village was included in an experimental project of guesthouse-centered leisure tourism development- one of its efforts in rural revitalization. The project aims to cultivate an integrated leisure and consumption facility which will boost industrial upgrades and local income.