A deal between Guangzhou's Nansha district and assorted well-known design agencies and design masters was finalized at a signing ceremony held in Nansha on Feb 3.
The Guangzhou campus of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has started enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Guangzhou's Nansha district released a total of 150 million ($23.22 million) yuan in subsidies for 246 local scientific institutes and companies in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 13.6 percent, officials said during a seminar held on Jan 28.
The CAS Space Exploration industrialization base in Guangzhou's Nansha district started construction on Jan 26, and is expected to be put into trial operation in August 2022.
The first batch of equipment required for the construction of a fully automatic container wharf in the fourth-phase of Nansha Port's development arrived on Jan 30.
The regional gross domestic product of Guangzhou's Nansha district is estimated to have exceeded 180 billion yuan ($27.86 billion) in 2020.
To cope with the challenging situation of epidemic prevention and control, 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions released rules for trans-provincial travel.
The site selection of the Nansha branch of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital and the Institute of Guangzhou Medical University has been published on the official website of the Guangzhou municipal planning and natural resources bureau.