Guide to Primary and Secondary School Enrollment Registration in Conghua District, Guangzhou in 2021

Updated:  2021-05-14

Object of registration

Children who are 6 years old before August 31, 2021 (including August 31) with household registration location in Guangzhou can apply for admission to Guangzhou public primary schools through online registration. Residents of non-Guangzhou household registration with school-age children can apply in accordance with the "Guide to admission points for children of Guangzhou migrants in 2021" enrollment policy. 

Registration time

1、Registration for public primary school admission is set from May 7 to May 11 on the "Guangzhou Compulsory Education Online Enrollment System" ( .

2、Registration for private primary school admission is set from  May 11 to  May 18  on the "Guangzhou Compulsory Education Online Enrollment System" ( .

3、The students with household registration location in Guangzhou can apply for admission to Guangzhou public junior middle schools . From May 10 to May 15, the students will submit the relevant materials such as household registration and household property certificates to the graduation primary school , and the school will submit them to the District Education Bureau. The students without Guangzhou household registration can apply for admission to Guangzhou public junior middle schools in accordance with the "Guide to admission points for children of Guangzhou migrants in 2021" enrollment policy. 

4、Registration for private junior middle school admission is set from May 24 to 31 on the "Guangzhou Compulsory Education Online Enrollment System" ( .

Attention: Parents are responsible for the authenticity of the information and commitment provided; The school which is responsible to check the information is not necessarily the final admission school. 

Students enrolling

1、Public primary schools

Information will be checked from May 22 to May 24; and from June 8, public primary schools will distribute admission letters to school-age children who have obtained admission qualifications. 

2、Private primary schools 

On June 10, private primary schools whose registration does not exceed the enrollment quota will send admission letters directly. If the registration surpasses the enrollment quota, the final admission members will be decided by the District Education Bureau via computer-aided random allocation. 

3、Junior high schools

Starting on June 24, public and private junior high schools will distribute admission letters to qualified students.