Construction work on a freshwater fish breeding center began in Guangzhou's Nansha district on Jan 8, the first project of its kind in the South China region to focus on the breeding of fish.
Nearly all key groups of people in Guangdong have received the first coronavirus vaccine shot, with 1.21 million people in the province having been inoculated.
Wanqingsha town and Zhujiang community in Nansha district have begun cooperating in government service delivery with Zhongshan's Minzhong town and Huangpu town, meaning applicants can have certain services dealt with in any of these four areas.
The administrative service center of Dagang Advanced Manufacturing Base in Guangzhou's Nansha district recently unveiled its plaque, according to local media reports on Jan 5.
Guangzhou's Nansha district has made full use of the water and natural resources of Lingshan Island area to build an ecological corridor, making an excellent relaxation area for local residents.
Kingboard Square, a building of over 150 meters in height situated in Guangzhou's Nansha district, opened its doors on Jan 5, becoming the new highest building in the district and a new local landmark.
An overarching plan for the construction of a comprehensive transport hub in Guangzhou's Nansha district from 2020 to 2035 was released recently, according to local media reports on Jan 4.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) construction command office unveiled a plaque on Dec 31 marking the official launch of the countdown until the full completion of the construction.