Tianhe unveils 2035 master plan for development

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: March 10, 2025

The Guangzhou municipal government has recently approved the Tianhe District Territorial Space Master Plan (2021-35), setting a bold vision to transform Tianhe into a core area of a central world city and a model district for Chinese-style modernization by 2035.

The plan outlines a development framework of "one core, one belt, and two axes" in Tianhe, which includes establishing a central green core centered around the South China National Botanical Garden and Huolu Mountain Forest Park. It also involves creating a high-quality development belt along the Pearl River and strengthening core services along Guangzhou's new central axis and an innovation-driven axis to promote knowledge-based industries.


High buildings dominate the area of Tianhe. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]

During the period, Tianhe is set to maintain an ecological protection red line of at least 13.73 square kilometers, with urban development boundaries capped at 113.95 sq km, while preserving its "one river, three mountains, and five waterways" ecological framework.

The district aims to become a competitive innovation hub by building an advanced "12126" modern industrial system encompassing eight strategic industry clusters, four future industries, and six modern service industries.

A riverside headquarters and financial services belt will drive the growth of high-end services, digital finance, and AI-powered digital trade.

By 2035, Tianhe is set to achieve 100-percent 15-minute walkable coverage for essential community services, including education, healthcare, and cultural facilities. The district will also expand its four-tier park system, adding five leisure corridors and 40 km of forest trails to enhance urban green spaces.