Tianhe sees soaring first-store economy

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: August 27, 2024

Since the beginning of this year, Guangzhou's Tianhe district has seen 40 first stores settle, completing its task of introducing the first stores of the year ahead of schedule.

Of the 40 first stores, 29 are located at the Tianhe Road Business Circle.

Since 2018, 418 first stores have been added to the Tianhe Road Business Circle, accounting for 80 percent of the district's total. The business circle has been formed as a gathering area for the first-store economy, which are brands launching their first brick-and-mortar stores and emphasizing new models, formats, and technologies.


See Guangzhou's new central axis from Tianhe district. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

According to local authorities, Tianhe will fully implement Guangzhou's preferential measures supporting the development of the first-store economy and issue distinguished district-level supportive policies.

In addition to promoting consumption, businesses in Tianhe are encouraged to organize brand debut events. Professional debut platforms for new clothing and consumer electronics products are also set to be built based on the district's wholesale market.


The Tianhe Road Business Circle is crowded with visitors. [Photo/Yangcheng Evening News]

Since this year, the consumer market in Tianhe has been generally stable. The district's total retail sales of consumer goods reached 106.29 billion yuan ($14.93 billion) from January to June, accounting for 19 percent of Guangzhou's total.