2 Tianhe patents win national gold awards

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: August 30, 2021

Tianhe district recently won a total of 14 awards at the 22nd China Patent Award, including one patent gold award and one appearance design gold award, becoming the only district in Guangzhou that has won the gold awards.

The China Patent Award was established by the China National Intellectual Property Administration in 1989. It is the only exclusive government department award and the highest award for a patent in China. It is also recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).


The Tianhe Talent Base. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]

Compared with the 21st China Patent Award, the number of awards achieved by Tianhe district increased significantly. This is because of the district's efforts in advancing the construction of an intellectual property operation service system and promoting the regional innovation development in intellectual property services.

To date, Tianhe district has cultivated six high-tech enterprises in key areas, four university-enterprise research and development platforms, and transformed 43 patents in the form of transfer, license, pricing and investment that amount to a total of 33.56 million yuan ($5.18 million).