Tianhe renovates Huacheng Square, Guangzhou’s biggest public square

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: July 6, 2021


Large flower beds at Huacheng square. [Photo/Tianhe government]

Known as the reception hall of Guangzhou, Huacheng Square in Tianhe was recently beautified and equipped with better service facilities to meet the rising needs of a surging number of tourists since the Haixin Bridge was opened last month.

A 730-square-meter service station has been established, which provides Wi-Fi access, hot water, portable charger and umbrella rentals, medicine bags, AED services and a babycare room.

A government-service machine, ID photo self-service machine, ATM machine and a vending machine selling products for poverty relief have also been equipped in the station.  


Service facilities at Huacheng square. [Photo/Tianhe government]

Several large flower beds were set up at the square before July 1 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In the past few days, pictures of the flower beds’ elaborately designed patterns and bright colors went viral online.

According to a Guangzhou Daily report, a three-story underground parking garage and a farming theme park – the first of its kind in Guangzhou – are also under construction near the square.


Farming theme park. [Photo/Tianhe government]