Tianhe sees robust economic growth in Q1

Updated: May 25, 2021


[Photo/Guangzhou Daily]

Tianhe district's GDP registered 143.68 billion yuan ($22.51 billion) in the first quarter of 2021, up 15 percent year-on-year, according to the latest report.

Tianhe is the only district in Guangzhou to report that its Q1 GDP had passed the 100 billion yuan mark, which accounts for 22.4 percent of the city's total.

In Tianhe, the revenue of the profit-making service industry posted a 33 percent surge from a year earlier for the first two months, with both the software and IT service and high-end service industries enjoying fast development.

According to the report, the number of Tianhe's newly added enterprises was 32,000 in Q1, up 166 percent year-on-year; and they included216 foreign-invested enterprises.

Foreign contracts worth $1.14 billion were signed, with foreign investment in actual use reaching $270 million

Tianhe people's consumer demand has been expanding. Total retail sales of consumer goods in Q1 were valued at 52.31 billion yuan, up 37 percent year-on-year.

High-end consumption, including cosmetics and jewelry, saw rapid growth.

Online retail sales of physical commodities above designated scale jumped by 43.9 percent on a yearly basis.

Catering and accommodation revenue in Tianhe rose by 103.3 percent year-on-year.