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Nansha cruise tourism: wave of surging popularity



Aerial view of the Nansha International Cruise Port. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_nanshafabu]

Nansha International Cruise Port resumed normal operations a month ago on Dec 18, 2024, continuing until Jan 19, 2025.

During this period, a total of nine voyages sailed 18 times, accommodating 49,000 passengers, including 36,000 travelers and 13,000 crew members. The port saw a 6.5-percent increase in cruise passenger traffic compared to the same period in 2019-2020.

Passengers mainly consisted of Chinese mainland residents, with Guangdong, Hunan, Sichuan, Guangxi, and Heilongjiang leading the count.

Passengers aged 60 and above dominated the cruise tourism demographic, comprising 60.9 percent of total passengers, demonstrating a trend of increasing numbers with age groups. The oldest passenger was 98, with over 40 passengers aged 90 and above.

International travelers, mainly overseas Chinese, also contributed to the diverse passenger mix, with the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom being the top five countries of origin.

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