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Guangzhou-HK IUR project brings vitality to Qingsheng hub


The completion of Zone A and C of the Yuexiu Guangzhou-Hong Kong Industry-University-Research (IUR) project marks the arrival of the first high-standard industrial park with conditions for enterprise settlement at Nansha's Qingsheng Hub area.

Commencing on June 21, 2022, construction swiftly progressed, achieving the completion of Zones A and C within a one-and-a-half-year timeframe. This milestone resulted in the creation of a premium industrial space spanning 105,000 square meters, showcasing a commitment to both efficiency and high-quality development.

The project includes constructing six multi-functional industrial buildings, one industrial tower, one technology exchange center, and three standalone headquarters buildings.

The project is planned to be developed into a production-oriented, high-standard industrial plant, attracting a group of high-tech advanced manufacturing companies in fields such as artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing.

The project plans to accommodate 60 companies, including more than 10 subsidiaries of listed companies, such as GAC Energy, Lonza Pharmaceutical, Mogu Linker, and Mt Digital Group.


The Yuexiu Guangzhou-HK IUR project. [Photo/WeChat account: nanshafabu]

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