
Notice on Revising Management Measures for Subsidies and Rewards for High-quality Development of Nansha District of Guangzhou Municipality


Normative Document No 1 [2022] of General Office of Nansha District People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality

Notice on Revising Management Measures for Subsidies and Rewards for High-quality Development of Nansha District of Guangzhou Municipality

All towns (street communities), departments of and entities directly under the Nansha district people's government,

The revised Management Measures for Subsidies and Rewards for High-quality Development of Nansha District of Guangzhou Municipality has been approved by the Nansha district people's government and is hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Problems encountered in the implementation shall be directly reported to the Nansha district administration for market regulation.

General Office of Nansha District People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality

March 15, 2022

Management Measures for Subsidies and Rewards for High-quality Development of Nansha District of Guangzhou Municipality

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 To further promote the high-quality development of Nansha district, encourage and guide organizations and individuals to engage in quality management innovation, improve the quality level, and enhance independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of Nansha district, these measures are formulated in light of the realities of Nansha district according to Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China, National Standardization Development Outline, and Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Construction of High-quality Province issued by Guangdong Provincial People's Government.

Article 2 The implementation of these measures shall be organized by the Nansha district administration for market regulation. The funds required shall be arranged by the Nansha district bureau of finance and included in the annual budget of the Nansha district administration for market regulation.

Article 3 Principles for use of subsidy and reward funds for high-quality district development (hereinafter referred to as the "funds") are as follows:

(I) The management and use of the funds shall comply with applicable national laws and regulations, and follow the principle of "being fair and open, encouraging the advanced ones, using funds as they are intended for, and strengthening supervision".

(II) The funds shall be released in form of rewards and subsidies.

Article 4 Nansha district administration for market regulation shall be responsible for organizing the budget preparation, application, announcement, and approval of the funded projects, and shall supervise the use of funds together with the Nansha district bureau of finance. Nansha district bureau of finance shall be responsible for verifying the annual budget of the funds, handling the allocation procedures together with Nansha district administration for market regulation, and supervising and inspecting the use of funds. Other relevant departments shall cooperate in fund management according to their respective responsibilities.

Article 5 The funds shall be mainly used to support and encourage entities and individuals who make positive contributions (including projects, achievements, and activities) to the high-quality development of the Nansha district.

Chapter II Eligibility

Article 6 Entities applying for the subsidies and rewards (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicants") shall be enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, or other organizations (except government organs) with independent legal person status, and shall comply with the national, provincial and municipal policies on industry, environmental protection, quality, etc. Their products and services, if under national compulsory supervision and management, shall have corresponding licenses. They shall actively fulfill their social responsibilities. In the application year, they shall have experienced no quality, safety, or environmental protection incidents, and received no administrative penalties up to the level of hearing or been held criminally accountable for violation of laws, regulations, or rules in business operation, environmental protection, production safety, labor security, or taxation; they shall not be listed as serious law violators or dishonest entities by the National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure System or the Public Service Platform of Chinese Social Organizations, nor been listed as a dishonest judgment debtor by the National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform. 

Article 7 Individuals applying for subsidies and rewards (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicants") shall work and actively fulfill their social responsibilities in the Nansha district. In the application year, they shall have received no administrative penalties up to the level of hearing, administrative detention, judicial detention, or been held criminally accountable; they shall not be directly responsible for any quality, safety, and environmental protection incidents of their employers, nor have been listed as a dishonest judgment debtor by the National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform.

The applications of individual applicants shall be submitted by their employers.

Chapter III Scopes and Amounts of Subsidies and Rewards

Article 8 The scopes and amounts of subsidies and rewards shall be determined by the following provisions:

(I) Reward for government quality awards

Entities that have won the Government Quality Award of Nansha District will be granted a one-off reward of 800,000 yuan ($120,000). Entities that have won the China Quality Award, Nomination Award of China Quality Award, Guangdong Province Quality Award, and Guangzhou Mayor Quality Award for the first time will be granted a one-off reward of 5 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 1.5 million yuan, and 1 million yuan, respectively. Individuals that have won the China Quality Award and Nomination Award of China Quality Award for the first time will be granted a one-off reward of 600,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan respectively. Those who have recently received an honor that is higher than their previous one shall be given the difference between the two rewards. For those who have received more than one of the above honors in the same application year, only the highest honor shall apply.

(II) Subsidies and rewards for standardization strategy 

1. Subsidy for leading and participating in standard formulation and revision.

Entities leading the formulation and revision of international, national, industrial, local, and group standards will be granted subsidies of up to 500,000 yuan, 250,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan, respectively.

Entities participating in the formulation and revision of international and national standards will be granted subsidies of up to 300,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively.

One applicant may enjoy subsidies for up to 5 group standard formulation and revision projects per year, and the total annual amount of the subsidies (excluding those for international standards) shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

Entities leading the formulation and revision of national, industrial, local, and group standards shall mean the top three drafting entities of such standards. Entities participating in the formulation and revision of national standards shall be the fourth to 10th drafting entities of such standards. Entities leading the formulation and revision of international standards shall mean those whose proposal has been adopted as the only, core content of an international standard. Entities participating in the formulation and revision of international standards shall mean those whose proposal has been adopted as the key content of an international standard. Where the drafting entities are not listed on the standard documents, a certificate of "leading or participating in the formulation and revision of the standard" issued by the issuing or responsible entities of the standard is needed.

2. Subsidy for participating in standardization organization. Those undertaking the secretariat work of international professional standardization technical committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 300,000 yuan, and those undertaking the secretariat work of their technical sub-committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 200,000 yuan; those undertaking the secretariat work of national professional standardization technical committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 150,000 yuan, and those undertaking the secretariat work of their technical sub-committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 100,000 yuan; those undertaking the secretariat work of Guangdong's provincial professional standardization technical committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 50,000 yuan, and those undertaking the secretariat work of their technical sub-committees will be given a one-off subsidy of 30,000 yuan.

3. Subsidy for standardization (demonstration) pilot projects. Entities undertaking national standardization demonstration (pilot) projects will be given a one-off subsidy of 300,000 yuan after passing the acceptance of the competent standardization authorities. Entities undertaking provincial and municipal standardization demonstration (pilot) projects will be given a one-off subsidy of 100,000 yuan after passing the acceptance of the competent standardization authorities.

4. Subsidy for good standardizing practice. A one-off subsidy of 30,000 yuan will be given to entities that have been recognized as AAAAA-level entities of "Good Standardizing Practice".

5. Reward for standard "front-runners". For those newly obtaining the title of "front-runners" of product or service standards issued by an institution recognized by government authorities, a one-off subsidy of 200,000 yuan for a national-level title and 100,000 yuan for a provincial-level title will be given specifically to each product or service. If the title of national or provincial "front-runners" has been obtained for the same product or service in the same application year, only the subsidy at the national level will be given. Those who have recently obtained a title that is higher than their previous one shall be given the balance between the two levels. The same application cannot get over 500,000 yuan in such an applicant's overall amount of rewards for being a standard leader in the same year.

6. Reward for standard innovation contribution award. For entities winning the first, second, or third prize of China's standard innovation contribution award, a one-off reward of 500,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan will be given respectively; for entities winning the organization prize of China's standard innovation contribution award, a one-off reward of 300,000 yuan will be given; for individuals winning the individual prize of China's standard innovation contribution award, a one-off reward of 300,000 yuan will be given.

7. Subsidy for adopting the international standard product. For those who have obtained the "Adopting International Standard Product Marking Certificate", 2,000 yuan will be subsidized for each item.

(III) Subsidy for brands

A one-off subsidy of 1,000,000 yuan for each trademark will be given to entities that have obtained a "China Well-known Trademark" for their trademark.

(IV) Subsidy for measurement guarantee

A one-off subsidy of 100,000 yuan will be given to entities that have passed the measurement management system certification (AAA).

Chapter IV Application and Implementation Confirmation

Article 9 Nansha district administration for market regulation shall be responsible for issuing the application guide and application notice, and clarifying the fund application conditions, requirements, time, and other related matters.

Article 10 The applicant shall submit the following application documents to the Nansha district administration for market regulation and be responsible for the authenticity of such documents:

(I) Basic documents

1. Application form and letter of commitment of Subsidy and Reward Funds for High-quality Development of Nansha District, Guangzhou Municipality;

2. Documents required as per the application guide.

(II) Supporting documents for specific projects

1. Proof of leading and participating in formulation and revision of standards: officially issued documents of the standard;

2. Proof of participating in standardization organization: approval document for the establishment of the secretariat of professional standardization technical committee of which the applicant undertakes the work;

3. Proof of undertaking standardization demonstration (pilot) projects: project approval, construction scheme, and acceptance documents for the demonstration (pilot) project;

4. Proof of an AAAAA-level enterprise of "Good Standardizing Practice": certificate of Good Standardizing Practice Enterprise.

5. Proof of a standard "front-runner": supporting documents such as the list and certificates of enterprise standard "front-runners" recognized by the State Administration for Market Regulation; supporting documents such as the list and certificates of enterprise standard "front-runners" recognized by the Guangdong Provincial Administration for Market Regulation;

6. Proof of standard innovation contribution awards: certificate of China Standard Innovation Contribution Award;

7. Application specific to adopting international standards: certificate of adopting international standard product marking ;

8. Proof of China's Well-known Trademarks: documents about being recognized as well-known trademarks by the state intellectual property authorities or trademark appeal board;

9. Proof of Government Quality Awards: certificate of Government Quality Award; for individual winners, proof of working in the Nansha district shall also be provided.

10. Proof of obtaining the measurement management system certification: Measurement Management System Certificate.

Article 11 In principle, the applicant who meets the conditions for the subsidy and reward shall submit an application within the specified application time in the year following completion of the project. Failing to make such submission within the time limit shall be regarded as a waiver in principle.

The completion time of the standard formulation and revision project shall be subject to the standard release date.

Article 12 Under any of the following circumstances, no subsidy or reward will be given:

(I) The applicant has already obtained similar subsidies or rewards from other 

departments of Nansha district for the project;

(II) The applicant fails to meet the application conditions or to submit the application documents as required.

Article 13 Only one applicant will be accepted for each standard formulation and revision project. If there is more than one eligible applicant for the same project, they shall determine the applicant through consultation. A failed negotiation will be deemed as a waiver of application.

Article 14 The funds shall be arranged in a centralized manner regularly. The specific procedures are as follows: The application channel is open once a year, and no overdue application will be accepted. Nansha district administration for market regulation shall issue an application notice and lead relevant district departments and town (street) offices to carry out an application qualification review (other departments may also be invited to the joint review as the case may be). In the qualification review, applicants' credit records in the National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure System, the Public Service Platform of Chinese Social Organizations, and the National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform will be regarded as references. Nansha district administration for market regulation can organize experts or entrust a third-party organization to carry out project reviews according to work needs. Those failing to pass the review will not be granted any subsidy or reward.

Article 15 Nansha district administration for market regulation shall publicize the qualified applicants, projects, and the amounts of subsidies and rewards for 15 days. In case of any objection raised during the publication period, the Nansha district administration for market regulation shall re-examine the case.

Article 16 The subsidies and rewards are provided in a one-off manner. Nansha district administration for market regulation will submit the list of qualified applicants for the year to the district government. Upon the approval of the district government, the Nansha district bureau of finance allocates such funds according to the applicable regulations.

Chapter V Fund Supervision and Management

Article 17 The subsidies and rewards herein shall mainly be used for applicants' expenditures in quality management. Receivers of such subsidies and rewards should continue to strengthen quality management, improve measurement, standards, quality management, and brand building, actively participate in activities for building a high-quality district, and constantly enhance their independent innovation ability and core competitiveness. They shall also cooperate with the Nansha district administration for market regulation in the performance evaluation of the subsidized and rewarded projects as required, including providing relevant self-appraisal documents.

Article 18 The bureau of finance and the administration for market regulation of Nansha district are responsible for the supervision and management of the funds herein. No entity or individual can withhold or misappropriate such funds.

Article 19 Strengthening the supervision and management of the use of funds.

(I) If any entity or individual has obtained the funds through fraud, false claims, withholding, or misappropriation, all such amounts shall be returned. Those involved in crimes will be held accountable for criminal liability. The relevant applicants shall not apply for the subsidy and reward projects specified in these measures in the next five years.

(II) If any staff member of a relevant entity abuses his/her power, engages in malpractices for personal gain, or neglects his/her duty, where no crime has been constituted, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary punishment. Those involved in crimes will be held accountable for criminal liability.

(III) Applicants failing to submit the self-appraisal documents of fund use as required will be banned from applying for the subsidies and rewards herein in the next three years.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 20 "International standards" herein refer to the standards issued by the International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and International Telecommunication Union (ITU), international standards issued by other international organizations recognized in Measures for Management of Adoption of International Standards, and international advanced standards issued by other important international organizations. The list of other important international organizations is as follows: the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), oneM2M, and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

"National standards" refer to the mandatory national standards whose release is approved or authorized by the State Council and the recommended national standards formulated and issued by the standardization administrative departments under the State Council.

"Industrial standards" refer to the industrial standards formulated and issued by the relevant administrative authorities under the State Council and registered with standardization administrative departments under the State Council.

"Group standards" refer to the standards formulated by social groups established by law by the Provisions on Management of Group Standards and published on the National Group Standard Information Platform.

"Local standards" refer to the local standards issued by the standardization administrative departments of Guangdong province or Guangzhou municipality.

Article 21 "China Well-known Trademark" herein refers to a trademark that is widely known to some relevant public and enjoys a high reputation in China and has been recognized as a well-known trademark by the national intellectual property administration or trademark review board by the Provisions on Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks.

Article 22 The "measurement management system certification" herein refers to the Measurement Management System Certificate issued by the measurement management system certification organization established by law.

Article 23 These measures shall enter into force on the date of issuance and shall be valid for five years. The Notice on Revising Management Measures for Subsidies and Rewards for High-quality Development of Nansha District of Guangzhou Municipality (Normative Document No 7 [2019] of the general office of Nansha district people's government of Guangzhou municipality) shall be nullified on the same date.

Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure

Issued by the general office of Nansha district people's government of Guangzhou municipality on March 16, 2022

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