
Notice on Issuing the Assessment Measures of Nansha District for Projects of Social Work Service Stations


Assessment Measures of Nansha District for Projects of Social Work Service Station

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 For the purposes of standardising the project management of social work service stations in Nansha District, improving the use of fiscal funds, and promoting the healthy and orderly development of social services, these Assessment Measures are formulated, in accordance with such regulations as Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality on Social Work Service, Administration Measures of Guangzhou Municipality for Social Work Service Stations (Integrated Family Services Centres), Assessment Measures for Projects of Social Work Service Stations (Integrated Family Services Centres) of Guangzhou Municipality and Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Administration of Social Work Service Stations in Nansha District.

Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, the projects of social work service stations refer to the projects of professional social work services provided by social work stations of towns (street communities) and service sites of villages (neighbourhoods) in Nansha District through government procurement.

For the project of social work service stations, the buyers refer to people's governments of towns (or offices of street communities), the service providers refer to social work service institutions, and the supervisor refer to the Bureau of Civil Affairs of Nansha District.

Article 3 These Measures apply to the assessment projects of social work service stations of towns (street communities) in the administrative area of Nansha District.

Article 4 The assessment of projects of social work service stations shall observe the principles of being comprehensive, objective, and scientific to ensure fair, just, and open assessment.

Chapter II Subject of Assessment

Article 5 The subject of assessment of projects of social work service stations include third-party assessment agencies, governments of towns (or offices of street communities), village (neighbourhood) committees, and Bureau of Civil Affairs of Nansha District. The third-party assessment agencies are responsible for professional and financial assessment and shall carry out comprehensive assessment of project management, development of core projects, implementation of basic and special projects, service effectiveness, financial management, and expenses of social work service stations. The governments of towns (or offices of street communities) are responsible for the assessment from the buyers' perspective and shall carry out comprehensive assessment of the daily management and service effectiveness of the social work service stations. The village (neighbourhood) committees are responsible for the comprehensive assessment of the performance of the social service stations in serving the villages (neighbourhood) and participation in the governance of communities. The Bureau of Civil Affairs of Nansha District is responsible for assessment from the supervisor's perspective and shall carry out comprehensive assessment of the self-inspection and implementation of reform measures of the social work service stations.

Article 6 The Bureau of Civil Affairs of Nansha District will select the third-party assessment agency for professional assessment in accordance with Administration Measures of Guangzhou Municipality for Social Work Service Stations (Integrated Family Services Centres), Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Administration of Social Work Service Stations in Nansha District, relevant laws and regulations, as well as the conditions set out below: 

(1) Being a non-governmental organisation that is legally registered with the departments of civil affairs with independent capacity for civil liability;

(2) Having a relatively stable team of senior experts in social work assessment;

(3) Being familiar with the assessment work and process as well as the laws, regulations, and policies regarding government procurement of social services;

(4) Meeting other requirements prescribed by laws, regulations, and policies.

Article 7 The Bureau of Civil Affairs of Nansha District will select the third-party assessment agency for financial assessment in accordance with Administration Measures of Guangzhou Municipality for Social Work Service Stations (Integrated Family Services Centres), Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Administration of Social Work Service Stations in Nansha District, relevant laws and regulations, as well as the conditions set out below:

(1) Being an accounting firm or tax firms with independent legal person status;

(2) Being familiar with the accounting system for civil non-profit organisations and the laws, regulations, and policies regarding government procurement of social services;

(3) Having a stable and capable team of experts in financial assessment;

(4) Meeting other conditions prescribed by laws, regulations, and policies.

Article 8 Any third-party assessment agency and any assessor thereof shall withdraw in the following circumstances:

(1) Having interests in the service project under assessment or the service provider of the project; 

(2) Having held a position in the service provider of the project and been unemployed to the provider for less than two (2) years;

(3) Being otherwise related to the service project under assessment or the service provider of the project, which may affect the fairness of the assessment results.

Chapter III Content, Procedures, and Methods of Assessment

Article 9 The assessment of projects of social work service stations covers project management, service performance, service satisfaction, informatisation, and expenses. Process assessment and result assessment shall be carried out for all projects of social service stations in each service year.

The method of process assessment is irregular overt or covert visits, aimed to find out whether the residents' need for services is met, whether they are satisfied with the service quality, whether the contract parties have performed their duties, and whether the institutional operation is standardised, with the issuance of process assessment record. The results of process assessment will serve as the basis for mid-term and final assessments by the supervisor.

Result assessment are carried out twice, including a mid-term assessment and a final assessment. Each assessment shall include professional service assessment and financial assessment.

Article 10 Assessment shall proceed in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Formulation of Assessment Plan. Under the guidance of the district-level Bureau of Civil Affairs, the third-party assessment agency shall determine the time of project assessment and make the assessment plan in accordance with the contract term of the social service station project.

(2) Implementation of Project Assessment. Under the guidance of the district-level Bureau of Civil Affairs, the third-party assessment agency shall properly conduct the organisation and implementation of assessment in accordance with the assessment plan.

(3) Issuance of Assessment Report. The third-party assessment agency shall issue an assessment report to the buyer, supervisor, and provider of the service within ten (10) working days after the mid-term and final assessments, to point out the problems in the year of the project and offer suggestions for improvement.

(4) Publication of Assessment Report. The Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs will confirm the assessment report within five (5) working days upon receipt thereof and keep such report publicised for a period of no less than seven (7) working days.

(5) Acceptance of Complaints against the Assessment. If any question or complaint against an assessment report is received during the period of publication, the Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs will promptly organise a third-party assessment agency to review the assessment result and determine the final assessment result before reporting to the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs.

(6) Report of Assessment Results. The third-party assessment agency shall carefully review and summarise the service provision, operation, management, and expenses of social work service stations; objectively report problems and give professional solutions and suggestions for improvement; and submit a comprehensive report of the assessment within fifteen (15) working days after the end of a project to the Nansha Distinct Bureau of Civil Affairs for archive. By 30 November of each year, the Nansha Distinct Bureau of Civil Affairs will summarise and submit the assessment results of projects of social service stations of the year to the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs for archive.

Article 11 The assessment of projects of social work service stations adopt methods such as data analysis, questionnaire, phone calls, face-to-face interviews, and visits. Those under assessment shall cooperate actively by providing true, accurate, and reliable supporting materials in a timely manner.

Chapter IV Results and Application of Assessment

Article 12 The score of a social work service station project is determined by the points given by the four parties. The total score is 100, with the third-party assessment agency accounting for seventy percent (70%), the government of town (or office of street community) accounting for ten percent (10%), the village (neighbourhood) committee accounting for ten percent (10%), and Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs accounting for ten percent (10%). The abovementioned three parties shall give the score in an objective and just manner.

Article 13 The result of assessment is classified into four grades: excellent (≥90), good (≥80 and <90), acceptable (≥60 and <80), failed (<60).

Article 14 A social work service station project will be rated as "failed" if any one of the following behaviours is found in the assessment:

(1) Having violated any provision in the Administration Measures of Guangzhou Municipality for Social Work Service Stations (Integrated Family Services Centres) and Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Administration of Social Work Service Stations in Nansha District or any requirements in the contract;

(2) Having violated the Provisions of Guangzhou Municipality on Social Work Service by deceit and forging documents;

(3) Having failed to make timely and effective correction within the given time;

(4) Having failed the financial assessment;

(5) Having gravely violated other relevant national laws and regulations.

Article 15 The assessment result will serve as an important reference for a social work service organisation to participate in project operation in the future.

(1) When rated as or above "acceptable", the service provider may continue to provide service within the service period;

(2) When any correction is required according to the assessment results, the service provider shall make correction accordingly, and shall provide any service only after re-assessment as acceptable;

(3) When rated as "failed", the contract of a social work service station project will be terminated, and the service provider will be held accountable for the breach of contract as stipulated in the contract. The service provider shall not undertake any social service project funded by the government in two (2) years thereafter;

(4) When rated as "excellent", the service provider may have priority in undertaking transfer of governmental functions within the administrative area, government procurement of services, subsidies, and rewards.  

Chapter V Accountability

Article 16 If the Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs, the governments of towns (or offices of street communities), village (neighbourhood) committees and staff members thereof fail to perform their duties in accordance with laws, the competent authorities shall instruct them to make correction and impose punishment on persons in charge and persons directly responsible. Those involved in crimes will be held accountable for criminal liability.

Article 17 Any third-party assessment agency and its staff members and experts, and any service provider and its staff members that are engaged in deceits or fraudulent practices during the assessment, or violate other provisions prescribed by laws, rules, and regulations, shall be deprived of their qualifications for undertaking the assessment of social work service procured by the government or undertaking such service, and shall not undertake projects of social service procured by the government for two (2) years thereafter. Those involved in crimes will be held accountable for criminal liability. 

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 18 The Measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation and shall remain in force for five (5) years. Any matter not covered herein shall be subject to the Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Administration of Social Work Service Stations in Nansha District.

Article 19 The Measures are interpreted by Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs.

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