Beautiful outdoor marriage registration venue unveiled in Baiyun

Updated : July 12, 2024

On July 9, the most beautiful outdoor marriage registration venue in Baiyun district was unveiled at Maofeng Mountain.

A simple and romantic Chinese-style certificate ceremony was held at Tianhu Square, where nine couples completed the rituals of bowing to heaven and earth, exchanging hairpins, presenting marriage documents, and reciting marriage vows under the guidance of the host, resulting in a deeply moving ceremony.


Nine couples hold their wedding ceremony at Maofeng Mountain. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

This Chinese-style romance left foreign couples in awe. A couple from Canada mentioned that while outdoor weddings are common abroad, the collective wedding format seen in China is rare and impressive.

Maofeng Mountain Forest Park, a newly designated national 4A-level tourist attraction, boasts rugged terrain and clustered peaks, serving as the highest peak in the Guangzhou area and known as a natural oxygen bar. The area is picturesque, resembling a fairy tale come to life, brimming with romantic elements like red bean trees and trees symbolizing eternal love.

Within the Maofeng Mountain scenic area are stone platforms and swans symbolizing love and embodying great romance.

In the future, the scenic area plans to further explore its unique regional advantages, design and build more wedding landmarks, boost the sweet economy, and inject the area with new energy and vitality.

Baiyun plans to organize certificate ceremonies or collective weddings for new couples on peak marriage days, advocating for simplified wedding procedures and setting a new trend.

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