Baiyun introduces measures to promote development of new energy storage industry

Updated : June 3, 2024

Baiyun district in Guangzhou has recently introduced 10 pivotal measures outlined in the "Measures for Promoting the High-Quality Development of the New Energy Storage Industry in Baiyun District, Guangzhou (Trial)", aimed at fortifying the bolster industrial expansion.

The strategies encompass initiatives such as strengthening new energy storage manufacturing projects, fostering industry aggregation, and enhancing the sector's environmental sustainability.

For significant new energy storage manufacturing projects investing over 50 million yuan ($6.9 million), a one-time support scheme has been devised, offering up to 10 percent of the total fixed asset investment, with a ceiling of 100 million yuan. This initiative also includes provisions for establishing industrial aggregation ecological parks, with selected high-quality industrial parks eligible for financial assistance of up to 5 million yuan, and individual parks receiving a maximum of 500,000 yuan.

In terms of talent acquisition, the district offers incentives for high-caliber professionals in the new energy storage sector who choose to purchase property in Baiyun. These incentives include housing support of up to 1 million yuan as well as assistance for education, spouse relocation, and healthcare.

Moreover, the policy encourages the expansion of enterprises into global markets, by providing subsidies for certification fees. Eligible products endorsed in key international markets like the European Union, the United States, Japan, and South Korea may receive annual subsidies of up to 1 million yuan.

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