Subsidies for solar photovoltaic power generation projects in Guangzhou

Updated : May 26, 2022

Guangzhou uses a post-subsidy method for solar photovoltaic power generation projects. A project may apply for an installed capacity subsidy after completion and approval, and a power generation subsidy after operating for one year. (1) The amount of the installed capacity subsidy is calculated based on the project’s total installed capacity after a building’s roof or façade is completed. A one-time subsidy of 0.2 yuan per watt will be given to the owner of the building. The maximum subsidy for a single project will be two million yuan. (2) The amount of the power generation subsidy is calculated based on the project’s generating capacity in the previous year and will be priced at 0.15 yuan per kWh. Starting from 2014, the maximum subsidy funding period for a single project is six years. [Notice of Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission on Printing and Distributing Supporting Implementation Rules of Fund Management Measures for the Development of Guangzhou Emerging Industries - Implementation Rules of Guangzhou Emerging Industries Development Fund for Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects Sui Fa Gai〔2017〕No 410 Article 8]

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