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What to do when assigned a yellow code?

GZFAO | Updated:2022-04-14

Report to your community immediately.

Go to a nearby designated testing site for yellow code holders to complete 2 tests in 3 days while protecting yourself.

Note: If the first test result is negative, your health code will turn green for a short time and then become yellow again, reminding you to take a second test as required. When both test results are negative, your health code will officially change to a green one.

If you have any questions about the epidemic control measures in your area, you may call (Area Code) - 12345 for inquiry.

Why did my health code still turn yellow with a negative PCR testing result within 24 hours?

Some residents have a negative PCR testing result within 24 or 48 hours, but their health codes still turn yellow. This is because the code changing happens after they do the testing, so even if they receive a 24-hour negative result, their codes may still be yellow. This is due to the time lag between the sampling time and the time when the result comes out.

For example, Xiao Lin takes a PCR test at 8:00 am and the negative result comes out at 2:00 pm, but the epidemic situation has changed in these 6 hours, so the authority decides to assign a yellow code to Xiao. Lin at 12:00 am based on the precision control judgment. Therefore, even if the negative testing result comes out at 2:00 pm, as it is still the result of the sample taken before the yellow code assignment time, it would not be used as a basis for maintaining green code.

What should I do if I have a red code?

If your health code turns red, make sure you do these 3 things:

Immediately report to your community (village), employer or the local CDC, and provide your recent travel history, exposure and personal health information truthfully and accurately.

Cooperate with the epidemic control measures such as epidemiological investigation, PCR testing and quarantine.

Stay put and away from others and wear a mask properly until professional staff arrives.

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